Alternative Provision with Staffordshire County Council
Part Time Alternative, Tutoring, Complementary Provision
The AP we offer focuses on well-being and supporting young people in re-engaging with education and helping them to take the next steps in their life. Equine Facilitated Learning uses exercises with horses on the ground to help with emotional and behavioural management as well as learning new life skills.
Engagement, Responsiblity, Calmness, Empathy, Communication, Assertiveness, Perseverance and Planning
No Classroom environment. We focus on social and emotional shifts made in the moment in response to difficulties encountered by the student. Horses are emotionally sensitive animals who do not judge our past or present situations they respond to our current behavour, demenour and emotions. They don't hold on to a negative view of us and so can help us become more in tune with our own emotions. We offer small group and 121 sessions from 1 hr to a whole day. Sessions will be adapted to meet the different needs including any diagnosed or undiagnosed conditions. We have many years experience of supporting people with a variety of Neurodiversity.